Monday, January 18, 2010

Photo of the Day #16: My masterpiece... for sale

Hola again,

My apologies for not posting the last couple of days... though I need not apologize to my loyal fans. Every hard-working toddler out there needs to take a break every now and again, so I didn't post anything on Saturday and took off on a well-deserved vacation on Sunday. I'll update you on that soon, and catch up on my photos of the day.

But today, I want to talk to you about my masterpiece. It is not yet named, but I may call it "dinero," which (for my non-Spanish speakers) means money. And, yes, it is for sale. But you likely cannot afford it.

See, I had this great idea last week. Thursday, in fact. I was tired of Dada going to work every day, even when I asked him not to. And I recently learned that Dada goes to work to earn dinero, to buy things like potato chips and candy. So, I decided to work on Thursday as well. I painted this picture so that Dada would never work again, and instead stay at home and play with me. I told him all about it Thursday evening and was very sad to see him go to work on Friday. I was confused. But no longer! Now I know that I must sell this beautiful piece of art in order to finance Dada's early retirement.

So... look closely. Bidding starts at midnight. XOXO,



Unknown said...

Can we work out a trade?

Anonymous said...

Abuelia will fight with everybody in the family for this wonderful masterpiece!

lis said...

do they have a "Noche de Arte" there? from what i heard, about this last year's auction, you could start your price at around 30,000$....DOLLARS my young friend, not pesos!!!! :)

we like your picture!!!! :)

miss you guys. :)