Sunday, April 29, 2007

More updates on the semi-recent past

Hi amigos,

Sorry for not writing this past week, but Daddy was in Ecuador. Now, don't you all start claiming that he wrote the previous entries... he is not that witty. It's just that I missed him and, well, I lost my muse. He's back now, and so am I!

Last I wrote, I cheered for West Virginia (can't do that enough... darkhorses for winning the next college football championship, in case you were wondering), told you about my December arrival, and introduced you to Lima.

Now onto my second month... (By the way, I turned four months old on Friday... thanks for all the well wishes.) The big news was that my abuelitos came to visit me from Colombia. And they loved every minute of it. (Other folks have also visited since... there will be future blog entries detailing their lovely visits.) Probably makes you wonder whether you should come visit too... Well, you should. Besides seeing me -- and I am as wonderful as advertised -- you can pig out at all the fine dining establishments like my parents. They just looove Peruvian cuisine. Personally, I try to maintain my physique with a very strict liquid diet.

Then you can travel around to the jungle, the beach, the mountains, and some ruins called Machu Picchu. I'm not sure about that last place though - it sounds made up to me. I mean, "Machu Picchu"! C'mon, I am four months old (another chance to remind you that my "birthday" was this past Friday) and I could make up a better name than that. Would you believe there were some ruins called "Ga ga goo goo" as well? Well, would you?!

Anyway, month two was pretty significant. I started picking my head up more so people could
see how handsome I was. I also started eating and sleeping better, which made my parents happy. And my overall routines started to become established. But this bores you all... because I know you just want to see more of me. So on to the photos...

First, there's me and Daddy hanging out at Starbucks. Pretty happening place, and I asked Mommy to take it easy on the caffeine.

Then there's me out on the balcony with abuelita. She and abuelito took me out there a couple of times a day to breathe in the fresh air and spend quality time together.

That's me and abuelito sitting out on the balcony shooting the breeze. My chair is way cooler than his.

This next one is just me. And Olan Mills couldn't have done any better. Then again, I'm so good looking that I can make anyone with a digital camera look like Annie Leibovitz.

This is me helping abuelita read a book. (Her eyesight isn't so good... but she does get AARP benefits!)

Finally, there's me just plain lookin fashionable. All I need is Paddington Bear and I am ready to go off to the dark jungles of Peru (pretty close already!). This here is just a nearby park, though.

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