Now, in addition to the lovely ladies already mentioned in the post regarding my trip to the Motherland (, I would like to give a shout out to some of the ladies I have met here in Peru.
First and foremost there is my very favorite girlfriend, Rory. Living three blocks away, she is the consummate girl "almost" next door. I can't remember a time when she wasn't in my life...we go way back, having met when I was only one day ole. I've included a picture of her stealing a kiss, something she does quite often. Can you believe that her dad, also pictured here, lets her get away with it! I'm very glad that the Peruvian authorities prohibit foreigners from bringing shot guns with them.
By the way, her mom is pretty hot as well. Here is a picture of Beth and I out to lunch way back in my 7th month. Can anyone say Mrs. Robinson?
Then we have sweet Lillian. Now, the first few times that I walked into the room, she would scream as if the Beatles or Elvis had just walked into the room. Now, I know that I am good-looking and thoroughly irresistible but I do try to maintain a low profile.
And did I mention that her mom, Lis, is quite the looker as well. Here we are, celebrating her birthday. She swore me to secrecy, though, so I can't tell you how old she is. Let's just say that she is still super young.
I usually like to stick to girls my own age, but this next lady is someone very special. She makes me laugh. And she deserves special mention since she just went through 9.5 months and 5.5 hours of effort to bring me a new friend, Issac, who is just a little over 3 weeks old but I can't wait to teach him all my tricks for wooing the ladies. But back to Linsey: here we are getting cozy just before she left in December. I've missed her so and am looking forward to her return in just a few short weeks.
And last but not least, is my number one girl....mama. She's the best!
All you ladies who I haven't mentioned yet, don't fret. I've run out of time because I have to go program the t.v. so that my parents can watch Lost and then have to pack for my big trip to Arequipa tomorrow. But some near future post will be dedicated to the rest of know who you are.
In closing, I have included a recent and super cute photo of me.
Thinking of you all on this very special day.
Baby Sebastian