Thursday, January 14, 2010

Photo of the Day #14: Tia Lilly

Today's entry is all about one of my favorite people, Tia Lilly. It just so happens that the feeling is mutual, as I am one of her favorite people as well. Actually, she probably loves me a whole lot more unconditionally then I love her...mostly because she is so laid back and I demand, well, loads of trips to ice cream parlors when she is around.

Before I even go any further, I have to tell my Tia E, one of my most devoted fans, that she shouldn't feel left out...she too will soon have her own blog entry. But I decided to honor Tia L with her own entry tonight because she is currently interning with the Seattle Times, covering the 2010 Washington State legislative session, and she just published her first entry on the Seattle Times'
Politics Northwest blog. You can read it here. And I don't want to spoil the ending but let's just say that Washington State could soon be known for more than just how "high" it's mountains are.

Anyhow, back to Tia Lilly. I first met her when I was 5 months old, when we both went to Florida for my Tio Eddie's wedding in June 2007. Needless to say, she was smitten with me from the start. Here we are on the day we met.

It was a tearful parting as we did not know when we would next see each other since she lived in Washington and I lived in Peru at the time. Little did we know that we would both be seeing much, much, much more of each other in the ensuing year and a half. For you see, in April 2008 she came for a 2 week visit and ended up staying until early June! I'm that irresistible.

Oh what fun we had! We:

played peek-a-boo in the curtains,

had our own photo shoot,

went to the park (could the wagon be any smaller),

wore matching pajamas,

ate toast with jam for breakfast (she made it, I ate it),

ate loads of ice cream,

she taught me how to take off my socks,

and even went camping!

The day that she left in June was very sad and I gave up ice cream in protest...for about 5 minutes. I would have held out longer except that I knew that I would be seeing her again in August in the great state of Oregon. Here she is with my cousins, Zev and Hayden, and I:

I guess that our time in Oregon together was just too short because just a few short weeks later, she was back in Peru! I did tell you that I am irresistible, didn't I? You might want to purchase travel insurance if you ever come to visit me in Mexico to cover the cost of multiple changes to extend your return trip home. I know that Tia Lilly wishes she did! The second time around she stayed for more than 2 months and we had double the amount of fun.

I waited up late for her the night she flew back to Lima.

Here we are engaging in one of our favorite pastimes: hanging out under Tio Nilo's coffee table.

Hanging out on the couch together. Don't worry, I'm actually wearing a diaper.

Hanging out with my lady before she went to the Marine Corps Ball...with someone else!

The last ice cream before she went back to Washington in sad.

But I'm pretty sure that she'll be knocking on our door soon. After all, Spring Break is just around the corner! In the meantime, I'll be scouting out all the best ice cream parlors in town.

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