It's official. I am irrevocably outnumbered. Boys 3-Girl 1. Even if we decided to have a third child, which is not likely to happen, there will be no leveling of the playing field. So what does this mean?
It means that I will likely never have a daughter with whom to do girly things. Sebastian likes to put on my lip gloss (something he'll probably adamantly deny in a future post) but the buck stops there. He steadfastly refuses to let me put his lovely locks into a pony tail, stating that "Mommy, colitas (pony tails) are for girls." And Joaquin is 100% boy.
It means a lifetime of frogs, snails and puppy dog tails.
It means fear of broken bones. Of my mother's three children, only my brother broke a bone during adolescence.
It means watching whiskers sprout from their sweet baby faces.
It means losing 2/3 of the most important men in my life to other women.
It means watching them suffer silently through their first heartbreaks because, let's be honest here, most men don't like to talk about their deepest feelings, especially not with their mothers.
It means countless wrestling matches (real and otherwise) on the living room floor.
It means water balloons...lots of them...probably in my living room.
It means having to say 100 billion times "stop harassing your brother" in a voice that sounds suspiciously like my own mother's voice.
It means, also, watching them grow to be as good as friends as Carlos and his brothers have become as adults.
January 2010
It means smelly socks, muddy tennis shoes, dirty clothes strewn about and "who me?" looks on their faces when I yell about the house being a mess, again in my mother's voice (don't worry Mom, I mean this in the fondest way).
It means telling them everyday to stop growing and stay exactly like this...and then standing by helplessly while they flagrantly disobey.
February 23, 2009 (Joaquin's first birthday)
But mostly it means sharing my life with these three men. And what woman wouldn't want that?