OK... it gives me great pleasure, a mild amount of sadness, and a fair amount of jealousy to announce the re-titling of my blog. I guess I should also take this moment to announce the arrival of my baby brother - Joaquin Mayta Gonzalez Layton, born on Monday, February 23, 2009. But he is a baby in name only. I will never forget the sight of that poor stork flying in through the window carrying Baby Joaquin. It must have really crossed somebody to be stuck carrying such a heavy load! 10 pounds, 2 ounces plus he was 20.5 inches long too! I better start challenging him to basketball games now, because he could start crushing me by his third birthday. Heck, when I walked in on him today he was doing one-handed pushups! (Since what you really want are photos of the new guy, I will appease you below.)
Here he is in a color close up.
Above you can see one of the early pics of Joaquin. And my goodness, who is that amazing hand model?! Why, it's me!!!
He'll outgrow that worm soon. I still remember back in the day when it used to try to bully me too...
There's Mama and Baby Joaquin just hanging out. Since they'd just recently met, they were getting to know one another and sharing basic info - where are you from, any brothers or sisters, where did you go to school, etc.
Just to clear things up, Joaquin and I are actually good buddies (though I do most of the talking). For example, I give him loads of kisses throughout the day. Even though he hasn't given me one. But I don't hold a grudge. At least not against him.
Here you can see what a wonderful big bro I am. What am I doing? Why, I am sharing stickers (sticks, I call 'em) with my little brother.
And this is one for the ages. How cute are we?!
When they said, "time to go home", I didn't realize that they were talking to both of us!
Overheard conversation:
Me: Do you like see food?
Baby J: audible grunts
Toddler Sea Bass then opens wide to show mouthful of jello
Chillin' at home.
Our games of tag are less exciting than you'd think.
Anyway, I gotta make this post short. Someone's got to change Joaquin's diapers, and it isn't Mama and Dada. Sometimes I feel just like Cinderella...
Yours in servitude,
Big Bro Sebastian